Writings, 1941

[How long has she been like this]

Draft of a play about Mafalda, who is locked in an asylum, where the personnel consist of Doctor Pris, Doctor Pamp and Nurse Petra who has a face like a wolf.

About the text

This piece of text is undated - 1941 is a guess.

– I don't want any insulin.

– I want to get out of here.

– It's not my fault Petra has a face like a wolf.

– They're almost all predators. 

– I'm not the only one who thinks this.

– Well I told them so.

– And one of them tried to bite me once. 

– I don't want any insulin.

– I'm not ill.

– Doesn't anyone know just how lonely I am?

– How I have given up.

– I have nobody.