Bergman's first Molière production on the German stage was met with mixed criticism, albeit predominantly negative.

'Yes, that was completely unsuccessful.'Ingmar Bergman
About the production
Bergman's production focussed more attention on the bourgeois fool Orgon and his often silly and easily duped entourage than on the hypocritical Tartuffe, the dangerous impostor.
- The Ingmar Bergman Archives.
- Birgitta Steene, Ingmar Bergman: A Reference Guide, (Amsterdam University Press, 2005).
- Birgitta Steene, Ingmar Bergman: A Reference Guide, (Amsterdam University Press, 2005).
Despite their barely disguised disappointment, reviewers continued to be curious about Bergman as a stage director. 'Ingmar Bergman is a brilliant film person whom we are ready to follow on stage through thick and thin, for when such an artist does not succeed, he can at least reveal something about the spirit of the times'.
- Nikolaus Paryla, Tartuffe
- Franz Kutschera, Madame Pernelle
- Walter Schmidinger, Orgon
- Rita Russek, Elmire
- Gaby Dohm, Dorine
- Gerd Anthoff, Damis
- Susanne Uhlen, Marianne
- Robert Atzorn, Valère
- Karl-Heinz Pelser, Cléante
- Molière, Author
- Hanns-Otto Held, Stage manager
- Ingmar Bergman, Director
- Johannes Kaetzler, Assistant director
- Charlotte Flemming, Designer
- Heidi Scherer, Prompter
- Reinhard Koestler, Translation