Lucky Per's Journey
Bergman's focus was on the moral content of the play, the core of which lay in the advice given to the little figure: 'Here one gets nothing without work. Work, Per, and be honest!'

'Romanticised, pathetic production [...] with drawn-out emotional moments and Sturm-und-Drang-like gestures.'Gunnar Ollén, SFP-bladet
Reviews and comments
Both Naima Wifstrand and Bertolt Brecht attended the performance and expressed their gratitude in letters.
'[...] Before I end, a piece of advice. Simplify your acting style! Beware of the false theatrical!!'
'[I had a] strong impression of the seriousness, the evident idealism and also the talent of the actors, especially in the smaller parts.
- The Ingmar Bergman Archives.
- Birgitta Steene, Ingmar Bergman: A Reference Guide (Amsterdam University Press, 2005).
- Birgitta Steene, Ingmar Bergman and the Arts, Ingmar Bergman's First Meetings with Thalia (Nordic Theatre Studies, Volume 11, 1998).
- Stig Falkner, The Old Man
- Cai Winter, Per
- Curt Edgard, The Goblin
- Barbro Hiort af Ornäs, The Fairy
- Doris Söderström, Nisse
- Irma Kjellgren, Nilla
- Inga Hall, Lisa
- Sture Djerf, The Waiter
- Lennart Svensson, The Clerk
- Inga Nicklasson, The Friend
- Lennart Lindberg, The Statue
- Mats Eljas, The Pillory
- Arne Palmquist, The Shoemaker/Death
- Jon Frisk, The Carriage Maker
- Anne-Marie Sandberg, The Pedicurist
- Elis Hahne, The Major/The Wise
- Gun Öijerholm, The Bride
- August Strindberg, Author
- Rune Ede, Musical arrangement
- Ingmar Bergman, Director
- Ruben Zehlén, Designer