Media gallery for
The Tinder Box
The sets for The Tinder Box were designed by Sven X:et Erixson.
Bergman introduced the play, requesting his audience to witness the production through a child’s eyes.
The Princess (Blenda Bruno).
Karin Lannby as The Witch in The Tinder Box.
The King (Karl-Axel Forssberg).
The Witch (Karin Lannby).
The first premiere of Sagoteatern was meet with mostly positive reviews from local critics.
The whole cast of The Tinder Box.
The Witch (Karin Lannby) and The Queen (Martha Olsson).
The beautiful soldier (Bertil Sjödin).
The Princess (Blenda Bruno) and The Soldier (Bertil Sjödin).
The Tinder Box at Sagoteatern.
Media gallery for
The Tinder Box
The Tinder Box